How far in advance can I book a collection?
You can book a collection up to 12 weeks in advance.
What are your service days / times?
Bank to You® collections are available Monday – Saturday (excluding bank holidays). Time window slots are available for either 09:00 to 13:30 or 12:30 to 17:00.
What are the deadlines for booking or changing services?
Days of the Week | ||||||
Action | Mon | Tues | Weds | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
Collection Only Booking | Fri 12:00pm |
Mon 12:00pm |
Tues 12:00pm |
Weds 12:00pm |
Thurs 12:00pm |
Thurs 12:00pm |
Collection Only Cancellation | Fri 12:00pm |
Mon 12:00pm |
Tues 12:00pm |
Weds 12:00pm |
Thurs 12:00pm |
Thurs 12:00pm |
Delivery Booking | Fri 11:30am |
Mon 11:30am |
Tues 11:30am |
Weds 11:30am |
Thurs 11:30am |
Thurs 11:30am |
Delivery Cancellation or Amendment | Thurs 11:30am |
Fri 11:30am |
Mon 11:30am |
Tues 11:30am |
Weds 11:30am |
Weds 11:30am |
Please note that delivery orders for Monday must be placed by 11:30am on Friday.
How long will it take for the money to appear in my account?
The standard sequence of events is usually as follows:
- Business Day 1 – Cash collected from customer premises
- Business Day 2 – Cash Processed by Cash Centre and applied to account for interest purposes (if delivered by 1:00 p.m.)
- Business Day 3 – Cash available for use
Where the Customer is a Protected Customer, notes and coins received at the Cash Centre:
- (a) by 1:00 p.m. on a Business Day will be processed on the same Business Day;
- (b) after 1:00 p.m. or on a day other than a Business Day will be processed on the next Business Day.
The money will be credited to the Account for interest purposes and will be made available to the Protected Customer to use immediately after processing.
How much notice do I have to give to cancel a collection?
We ask that you cancel any booking that you do not require by 12pm the working day before the service.
What happens if I miss the collection?
You should make sure you are prepared for your cash collection in advance of your collection slot. If your cash is not ready or your premises are not open when G4S arrives we will not be able to complete the service and you may be charged.
If you need a replacement service, you will need to rebook this via the portal.
What will happen if my service is missed?
On some occasions outside of their control, such as traffic conditions or other major incidents, G4S may be unable to reach you. In the unfortunate case that we miss your service we will email you an acknowledgement overnight and advise the next steps. Normally, we will reattempt the service the next working day but please let us know if this is not suitable.
I am not convinced my driver works for G4S
There are a number of simple steps that you should follow every time you receive a cash collection.
All our couriers wear a standard uniform and carry both G4S and SIA identification credentials. See our security tips document for more information.
If you are ever unsure, don't take any chances. Refuse to start the service. Call us to verify crew member identities on our customer service number 0844 800 4205. If you’re still not convinced, call the police.
What happens if my money is attacked?
Having your cash collected gives you peace of mind. From the moment we take control of your money, it is fully guaranteed. In the unfortunate and rare occasion that we are attacked and your money is lost we will reimburse the value.
How do I increase or decrease the number of bags to be collected?
You can do this via the website by finding the collection you wish to change in the Upcoming Collections page and clicking the 'Change deposit value' link. This will cancel the original service and replace it with another at the new level. The cut off time for amending your services in this way depends on whether there is a delivery associated - see What are the deadlines for booking or changing services?.
If the collection has an associated delivery, this will be retained on the replacement booking.
Please note that not all time slots support the higher collection value of £15k and in those cases, the link may not be available. However, you can always cancel the collection and book an alternative time for the value you need.
How do I get the stationery (bags, bands) I need to prepare my deposit for collection?
A welcome pack will be sent to each site you register which will include a starter set of stationery:
- Grey bags for your notes and cheques
- Large coin bags
You can order more supplies of these by raising a request here, selecting Stationery Order from the dropdown.
For bands and small coin bags, you can obtain these from our approved supplier, Banner - please find a guide to ordering here and the order form here.
Please quote your Banner account number to ensure that you are not charged.
How do I prepare my deposits for collection?
You’ll need to prepare your cash according to our guidelines. We’ll provide the bags that you’ll need to prepare your cash correctly and you can refer to this guide which shows the simple steps to prepare for your collection.
The bags should be labelled to go to 'NatWest Cash Centre' - no address is required.
How much can I deposit?
The maximum amount you can deposit through Bank to You® is £15,000 in cash (max £7,500 per wallet, max 2 wallets per collection).
When booking, you’ll be asked if you’re depositing below £7,500 or between £7,500 and £15,000 so we can arrange the right van and insurance levels for your collection.
What should I do with counterfeit notes?
Counterfeit notes should be placed in the bag with your deposit but sealed in a seperate envelope and clearly labelled as containing counterfeit currency. The value of counterfeits should not be included in the credit value.
What if my account is credited with the wrong amount?
If there are any discrepancies between the amount on the paying-in slip and your cash deposit, we’ll get in touch with you by email. If you believe we’ve made an error, please call us on 020 8722 3095.
What if my cash gets lost in transit or at the processing centre?
Your cash is insured as soon as G4S collects it from your site, so in the event of a lost deposit you’ll be refunded the full amount of your deposit so long as it was below the maximum limit of £15,000 or £7,500, depending on which service you selected.
To ensure that we have the evidence we need to return any lost money, please keep a copy of the paying-in slip that you put in the bag and the receipt you received from G4S.
Can I have the option to place orders for delivery?
If you are set up for deliveries, an option to place orders is available when booking services.
If you want to find out about accessing the delivery service, please contact your usual bank representative regarding the application process to apply for a company drawing limit.
If you have already carried out this step but are not able to place delivery orders via the portal, please contact us or raise a support case.
How do I enable my sites to have deliveries?
If your company has access to the deliveries service, then each site can have a maximum daily site drawing limit of up to £5,000 or your company limit, whichever is the lowest.
As an administrator, you will have access to set a site drawing limit against an existing site by selecting the Change Site Details button for that site and then inputting the required daily delivery limit (within the above rules).
When creating a new site you will also be prompted to add a site drawing limit.
Please note that if you do not want a site to be eligible for ordering deliveries, set the drawing limit to £0 and this feature will be disabled for that site.
Why can't I place a delivery order for a site?
There are several common reasons for this:
- Your company or site are not set up with drawing limits
- Your access level does not allow you to place deliveries - contact your administrator to amend your access level
- The daily account drawing limit has already been utilised by other sites for that service day
How much can I order for delivery?
Each site has a set daily drawing limit up to which they can place orders for. This will have been set by an administrator within the limits agreed with the bank.
Each order can always only have a maximum of 2 coin packs but as many note packs as required within the drawing limit.
Please note that the available limit for any one date may be reduced if other sites have already utilised some of your company limit.
How do I change the number of packs to be delivered?
You can do this by finding the service you wish to change in Upcoming bookings and clicking either the 'view/edit' or ' remove delivery' link under the delivery amount.
This can only be done by 11:30 two working days before the service is due.
Please refer to our service deadlines for full list of cut-off timings.
Can I place a delivery order without having a collection?
No, all orders must have an associated collection service booked.
Can I cancel a collection without cancelling the delivery?
No, since all orders must have an associated collection service you can either cancel the delivery element or the whole service.
How do I add a new site for cash collection?
You can add additional sites by using the 'Sites' menu at the top of the page, then select 'Add a Site'.
For more information, please refer to the User Guide.
What happens if my site is declined?
There are a number of conditions that must be met in order for a site to be approved for Bank to You® services, including but not limited to:
- The site must be a registered business location and not residential/domestic.
- The location must be deemed safe and secure.
- The site must be approved by the bank for service.
If you have any questions about this outcome, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Once a site has been declined, you can remove it from your sites list as described here.
How do I remove a site from my site list?
If you wish to remove a site because it no longer requires services or is closed, please find it in the Sites page and use the Archive button.
If the Archive button is inactive, this will be because you have active future bookings and you must cancel these first. Note that a site cannot be archived whilst it is going through an approval process.
Please be aware that archiving a site is irreversible and you will have to re-register it if required again in future.
What internet browsers are supported?
For the best site experience, we recommend using one of the supported browsers listed below. Using the latest version of your browser will provide you with better encryption and privacy support by default.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Microsoft Edge
- Firefox
- Safari
- Chrome
What is the availability of the portal?
The portal is usually available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
However, we ocassionally need to take it offline for maintenance work. Such outages normally only last 1-2 hours and are always scheduled to happen outside office hours
Why am I receiving multiple verification emails?
Keeping your data secure is important to us. We use dual factor authentication on the site to ensure your account and your data is kept safe.
Why am I being prompted to reset my password?
For security reasons your password will require changing regularly and you will be prompted to do so after 60 days.
Please note that you cannot reuse any of your previous 12 passwords. Also, the password strength rules will be displayed on screen to ensure your new one is as secure as possible. These are:
- Your password must contain a minimum of 10 characters, with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, a number and one non-alphanumeric (e.g. @ # £ !)
- Your Password cannot be one of the previous 12 that you have used
- Your Password cannot be the same as your Email Address
- Your Password will expire after 60 days and require a new one creating
How do I arrange collections/deliveries if the portal is not responding?
If you are struggling to use the portal, please contact us by telephone. Our contact details can be found here.
My personal information has been compromised. What should I do?
If you think that your account has been compromised, you should urgently change your password by selecting 'Change Password' in 'Manage Profile' under the 'User Profile' menu and also contact our Customer Services team as soon as possible.
How can I amend account holder details?
If the company account holder has changed or left the business then you will need to contact us using the Case Management function and create a support case with the type of 'User Roles'. Please provide details of the previous account holder and the new one to replace them, giving name, email address and telephone numbers.
More information on maintaining user roles and what access levels are used by the portal in the User Guide.
How do I terminate the service?
If you wish to unsubscribe from the Bank to You® service, please contact your Relationship Manager in the first instance, providing 30 days' written notice.
Can I let you know my thoughts?
We always welcome your feedback – we’re happy to listen whether you have received fantastic service or if something hasn’t gone so well. Please let us know about our experiences here.
Getting Help with Bank to You® services
The quality of our service and security of your cash are very important to us. If you need to talk to us about anything at all relating to your Bank to You® bookings, and particularly if you become suspicious of anything to do with your on-site services, please get in touch.
You can call us on 020 8722 3095 between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday.
Please note that calls may be recorded.